Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is it a Trick or is it a Treat?!

Are you the type that like to have everything in black and white right in front of you?! I myself like to have things planned out in advance so that I know what to expect! So, I figured why not do this with my workouts! Starting in November, I am going to have a calendar filled with workouts that I want to complete! This well help me stay motivated, keep me pushing harder, and allow me to reflect upon my accomplishments! I have also joined a mini challenge group that focuses on abs, legs, and arms! I am so excited to start this challenge tomorrow! I think this is going to be the push I need to take me to the next level. Don't get me wrong I have been working really hard already, but being part of another group full of people motivating me is going to be awesome! Do you need that extra push of motivation? Try planning workouts ahead of time! Just think of that feeling of accomplishment you will get when you cross them off at the end of each day! If your interested in becoming part of any of the groups I mention, don't hesitate to reach out to me! If I can do this, so can you! Tomorrow is the beginning of a whole new month, and that means it can be the start of a whole new you!

My November Calendar!
Are you daring enough to do it with me? 

You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's an Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini......Or Purple Dress Whichever!

Do you have that one item that you really want to wear but don't like the way it looks on you, so it's shoved in the back of your closet?!?! I know I do! Mine may not be a bikini because I don't think I will ever sport one of those, but I do have a purple dress that I love! I got this dress for just $3 on a clearance rack! However, when I picked up this dress to try it on, a sale associate at the store told me that I may want to try some Spanx on with it! Well, that just got my blood boiling! Who is she to tell me that I need to wear Spanx! I was furious and had my best friend not been there I may have even cried! But to spite the sales women I bought the damn thing because I liked it. I figured heck if I only wear it once, I'll get my money's worth out of it. I have only worn this dress once, and felt so self conscience in it! Maybe it had to do with the sales associate maybe not, but this is my dress that I want to feel comfortable and cute wearing!

To give myself a little extra motivation I have hung this dress up in spot that every time I walk into my room I will see it and be reminded of my goals! Don't get me wrong, I want to look good and feel more confident in all of my clothes, but I want to prove that I can wear this dress and look good with out having to wear Spanx! Do you have a pair of pants that you are saving hoping to fit back into one day?! Try it, hang them in a spot where you will constantly be reminded of your goals! Heck I may even hang a picture of the dress on fridge!

Nothing comes with out hard work! I know that I am not going to feel comfortable in that dress and unless I put in my time and work hard! Last night at the gym I pushed myself hard! It's hard to see in this pic, but there is literally sweat running down my face! I knew that I pushed hard last night and went to bed proud of myself! Don't lose sight of your goals along the way! Stop and ask yourself why you're doing this?! I am doing this for ME and me alone!

You are stronger than you know!


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's Magically Delicious....or Not!

Have you ever really stopped and thought about everything you put in your mouth, and yes I'm talking about that handful of M&Ms you popped in there right after lunch! I like most did not pay attention to what I would eat or snack on during the say. As long it tasted good, and fulfilled my need, I was a happy girl. However, when I started my fitness challenge, I decided that I needed to address my eating habits as well. So what did I do?!?! I went to the store and bought lettuce, carrots, celery, and lean meats. But it's not as simple as that! It's a matter of being aware of EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth each and every day! (That includes drinks as well) So for the past week I  have been aware of what I'm eating and making healthier choices than I would've in the past. This week I have decided to write down absolutely everything that I eat. Let me tell you, how easy it is to forget that snack you had when you walked in the door from work, or the gym. Now that I'm keeping track and writing everything down, I am MUCH more aware and hopefully it make a difference in my fitness results! Let's be honest, does a carrot taste as good as chocolate, hell no, but I don't need to worry as much about gaining weight from carrots as I do chocolate. I challenge you to write down everything you eat, even if it's just for a day you might be surprised!

 A food chart I have created to help
keep track of everything I eat each day!

Here's to eating like rabbits....hop....hop ;)


Monday, October 28, 2013

Run Jess....Run

Good Morning all my beautiful blog buddies! I want to share with you yet another way I am keeping myself motivated. I have been pushing myself to increase my workouts each day. I have decided to keep track of each and every workout I do, so that I can reflect on my accomplishments! It allows me to be proud of what my body has done each and every week. It is hard to push yourself further and further each day. Trust me, some days are harder than others. Tuesday I felt great during my whole workout and even ran a mile more than I was planning, but Wednesday boy oh boy my body was bitching through the entire thing! You know that voice in your head that constantly reminds you how sore you are, keeps telling you to stop, and that you can do better tomorow?!?! Well that voice is getting on my nerves, and I try and give it everything I have to prove it wrong, and so far I have! This past week, I have ran 7 miles, and  biked 34 miles! Now I  know that some people can easily complete this in one day, but for this girl right here that's a huge accomplishment. I am proud of all of my hard work. I love leaving the gym with my clothes soaked in my sweat. This is my fat crying! Today, I plan to push myself a little further than I went last time. I know that I can go to bed at night knowing I gave it my all, and tomorrow I'm going to do it again. In the past when I began to feel like I couldn't keep going, I would stop. Not this time around! I push myself harder and faster to prove what my body can really do! So today I challenge you to run a little longer, or peddle another mile, the feeling of accomplishment afterwards will be the best possible reward you could ask for!

A calendar I created to keep track of my goals 
and my daily workouts! 

Keep on, Keepin' on! 


Friday, October 25, 2013

Fatty to 5Ker!

Hello all my beautiful bloggers! I'm sorry I have not posted in a few days. Life has been crazy busy, but fear not I'm back! Even though my life has been very hectic this past week, I have not stopped working toward my goals! I want to share with you a piece of my awesome weekend. I got to spend Saturday in New York City participating in a 5K! Now if you are anything like me, I would have never imaged myself participating in any kind of athletic event. But two years ago that changed. My mom was diagnosed with Lupus. To be honest like most people, before her diagnosis I had never heard of this disease. But seeing first hand what my mom goes through and knowing she is one of the lucky ones, I knew I needed to do something to make a difference. Well, one day I had asked a friend of mine what she was doing over the weekend and she told me she was doing a 5K for Lupus! I couldn't believe it, I knew I had to go!! So my mom and I went and stood with hundreds of others all wanting to do something to fight this nasty disease. Let me tell you, if you have never participated in an event that so many people are effected by, it's truly life changing. My mom and I stood at the start line with tears streaming down our faces because we were so overwhelmed. Once I completed that race my life was forever changed and I was hungry for the next one! To this day, both my mom and I have participated in 6 Lupus 5Ks, and I have done 5 others for different charities. If two years ago someone would've told me I would have 11 5Ks under my belt, I would've thought they were crazy! These events have truly made me a better person! The bonus is it's great exercise!! So this past weekend, I traveled with my Mom and Aunt to NYC to complete yet another 5K for Lupus. The weather was gorgeous, and the event was amazing! There was over a million dollars raised for Lupus Research. What made me even happier was that I was participating in an event that is so near and dear to my heart all while working towards my fitness goals at the same time! I walked over 5 miles Saturday! I encourage you to participate in an event like this, not saying it has to be for Lupus, it can be for any charity or cause, but you will truly feel like you did something amazing!

My Mom and I in Boca Raton Florida 
at a 5K for Lupus! 

One Step at a Time!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

BFFs.....Best Foodie Friends?!?!

I'm sure we all know someone who is a "foodie"! That person that plans everything around food!!! Since I have started eating healthy and cutting out crappy food, I have noticed that the people in my life spend a lot of time thinking and talking about food. I'm NOT talking about healthy foods, and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, we all have different life styles and that's great! But I have noticed a number of people that I come in contact whether it be at work, when I'm out and about, or even friends that I see pretty regularly, plan their daily activities around what they want to eat. I mean the people who suggest going to the mall because of a great restaurant they want to hit up, or someone that wants to join you on a trip to the store because they can stop and grab some fast food. I have honestly never took notice of how often food controls our lives! I mean I'm sure at some point I have been guilty of it too. Let's be honest, just because I want to get healthy and drop these extra pounds, I can't just stop eating out all together. I mean I'm sure some people can and that's fabulous, but I know that I can't, and that's just reality for me....and that's ok! But, what I can do is make healthier choices when I am eating out! Just two nights ago, I was at a sporting event, and stopped to grab some food at a pizza place with friends on the way home. Instead of just going for that juicy cheese steak I wanted, I opted for one slice of pizza and the salad bar. Don't get me wrong, I know that the slice of pizza wasn't a great choice, but normally I would have easily ate two or three slices. I was completely after a salad and one slice. Not full to the point of feeling uncomfortable, but full to the point that I had eaten enough. I have learned that this new life style is all about making healthier choices when it comes to putting food in my mouth. I guess in a way, I am a foodie as well! I have been spending a great deal of time shopping for healthier food, preparing meals, and researching healthy recipes. I'm not going to say I am on a diet because diets only last for a short amount of time, and then we fall back to our old ways, but rather call it a change in life style! But just because you have made a change in your life style, doesn't mean that you can't enjoy great food! Trust me, if I can do this, so can you! I have to be one of the pickiest eaters around, and I'm still finding ways to enjoy healthier foods! If you have a healthy recipe that you would like to share with the rest of us, please send it to me so I can add it to the healthy recipe section of the blog and we can all enjoy it! Here's to eating healthier and slimming our waist lines!

Your Foodie Friend


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

DEAD-ication or dedication?!?!

I have come to realize that dedication or as I like to call it some days, dead-ication, is going to be one of the toughest challenges during these next 57 days! We all know it is NOT easy to eat healthy and workout everyday, if it was we would all be walking tooth picks, and everything would taste like crap! Well these last two days, have not been the easiest. I have had to really push myself to work out, and even felt a little disappointed at the end of the day because I didn't do more. But I'm feakin' exhausted! In the past I would have easily used this as an excuse and not worked out at all and laid in my bed. But, this challenge has given me the the push that I needed to stay dedicated to this journey! I am completely accountable for my actions, I can chose to work my ass off and be happy I put forth my best effort, or I can bitch out and still be unhappy with the way I look. As far as I am concerned the second is not even an option! I have to say, that just two days of eating healthy, and getting my booty movin' have made a difference in the way I feel. I have not had any soda or juice, just water and green tea, and no greasy foods, and I do not feel overly full or bloated. I feel great! It's awesome!!! So far, I have only lost a pound, and when I got on the scale this morning and was only a pound lighter I wanted to kick it, but ya know what, I'm one pound closer to my goal, and that is one pound that I never want to see again when I step on that scale! Hopefully tomorrow I will be another pound lighter!!!

 Don't be afraid of that scale! Use it as your motivation!

So long sucker, 1 lb I'll never see again! 

"You are what you eat, so don't be fast, cheap, easy or fake!"


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hide and Seek....

I am a true fashionista, I love everything about fashion, and especially LOVE my accessories! But, do we use our accessories as a way to hide ourselves from who we really are or who we think we are?!?! This summer I became obsessed with the oversized floppy hats and wore them mostly to the pool and beach. I felt a little more comfortable with a giant hat on, while I was walking around in my bathing suit. Why is that?  This is a question that I can't really answer. But have you ever thought about why you wear the accessories that you do?  I know that I feel much more comfortable when I have a pair of giant sunglasses on as well! I always buy the ones with the giant frames, mostly because I feel like my face is sooo big that I need the giant glasses to make it look proportional.  I also wear fake eyelashes almost everyday, because I feel I look better with them on. I mean we all have the occasional bad hair day, where we want to throw on a hat and run to the store, and I guess in a way that is what I am talking about. I know that at times I throw on accessories in hopes that people will notice them before they notice what I look like. Am I the only one who does this? Don't get me wrong, I love loud jewelry and things like that because that is my taste and who I am. I thought about this yesterday as I was getting ready to workout, I had no makeup on, and still had to throw a hair band in, hoping that would take attention away from the fact of my no makeup face. The more I think about it, the more and more I realize how hard we are on ourselves! Who cares if we have no makeup on, and frizzy hair, we aren't hurting anyone!  We should all feel comfortable in our skin, whether we are wearing nothing, or a fur coat with a matching hat! It is easier said than done, that's for sure. But I am truly going to work on not hiding behind my accessories, but rather wear them with confidence because I know I look good!
Sporting some of my go to accessories!

Ready or Not Here I Come...


Monday, October 14, 2013

Tossing My Cookies!

I hope all of you had a wonderful long weekend! Today was the first day of my 60 day challenge, and I have to say it wasn't much fun at all. I woke up feeling motivated and even asked a friend to join me on my walk today, well I soon regretted that because he was all revved up and ready to go and I was not! I wanted to punch him in the throat, but you know what, I absolutely loved that he kicked my ass in gear and gave me the push I needed! It was a beautiful day, and a great walk! I felt great after completing it! I did it, 4 miles today! I also started eating very healthy today, and that made me miserable! I wanted to everything in sight, but I was able to stick to it and not give in to temptation!   I also tried to make my first protein shake and I have to say, it was GROSS! How do people drink this stuff every day?!?! I mixed protein powder with almond milk, yogurt, and ice. I'm going to try freezing it and see if I can eat that way, but if any of you have any advice on how to gag this crap down, please share it with me! Overall, today proved that nothing about this challenge is going to be easy, it's going to be a bitch all the way until the end, but all of the effort will most definitely be worth it. Tomorrow my goal is to wake up early and get some time in on the bike, but anyone that knows me, knows how much I love my sleep, so this is going to be a huge challenge. But I'm sure I can do it  if I put my mind to it! There is plenty of time to sleep when you're dead right?!

This hill was almost the death of me today!
This is just the beginning of it, and I know that 
I'm going to run up this hill one day soon without
Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite....


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ho Ho to the Bottle I Go!

Tomorrow starts my 8 week challenge, I could not be more excited! I spent a good part of this day reading some fellow bloggers post about their weight lost journeys, and it has motivated me even more! I read a list off 99 physical changes a fellow blogger noticed  after she lost 100lbs! And, I have to stay, many many many of the changes she noticed are challenges that I face! I can not wait until I can share my list with you! I spent the other part of my day at the grocery store making healthier choices in my eating habits. One of the challenges I face, is that I am an extremely picky eater. I do not like fish, fruit, yogurt, pork, and the list goes on and on. But, I have made it a goal of mine to step out of my comfort zone and try some new and healthier foods! I wish junk food didn't taste so damn good....ugh! Tonight, I take my measurements and my weight to send to my coach! I have to say, I have put this off as long as possible because frankly I just don't want to face it, but I have to realize that this is a starting point and a great way for me to monitor my progress and stay motivated!  Another challenge that I face is that I really don't like to drink water, so I have made it a goal of mine to really focus on cutting out other beverages, and focus on drinking the right amount of water. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does not like to drinking water, but I'm sure gonna try like hell to float away during this challenge!

Motivation to drink my gallon of water!

Just keep swimming!


Saturday, October 12, 2013

High Five Anyone?!?!

Well, tomorrow is the big day..... the day I take my "before" pic and all of my measurements! I;m sure this is going to be a great motivator for me! I hope at the end of this 60 day challenge I have an amazing "after" pic to share with you all! As I have been thinking about this challenge, I wanted to come up with my list of ten things I love about my body, but I have to be perfectly honest, I couldn't come up with ten! Honestly I had trouble coming up five....and the more I thought about it, that's really sad. I'm sure we all things about our bodies that we love and hate. But have you ever really stopped and thought about what you truly love about your body? I believe that we spend so much time seeing the negatives and we let that over shadow all of the things we love! Yesterday, my mom said to me that I cut myself down way too much, and you know what? She's right, I only see the negatives when I look in the mirror. As part of this journey, I want to take the time to really appreciate my body! I want to make a list of what I truly love about my body at the beginning of this journey, and compare it to what I love about my body at the end of this 60 day challenge!

1. I'm not gonna lie, I love my boobs! They are big, perky, and awesome. I mean sometimes I wish I could take them off and put them on a shelf to give my back a rest, but I do love them.
2. I love my eyes, they are a crazy color that changes depending on what I am wearing. I get tons of compliments on them, and some people even ask if I wear colored contacts.
3. My lips, I was blessed with big full lips, I mean I am sure this may change when I get older, but for right now I love them.
4. My ankles, this one my sound weird but one of the first things I notice about people is their ankles. I don't have cankles which I am grateful for!
5. My hair, does this even count? I'm not sure, but I do really love my luscious locks.

This list was much harder to come up with then I would have ever thought! I literally could not name ten things about my body that I love! I encourage you to make a list of everything you absolutely love about your body. It may be harder than you think! I am so excited to begin this challenge, and see how much of a difference 60 days can make!

Fabulously Flabby Yours,


Friday, October 11, 2013


Motivation is going to the key to my success! So many times in the past I have started working out and was bursting with motivation, then it just fizzled out like always! And guess what, I'm still fat! Go figure, I worked out for a couple weeks then went to back to old ways and saw no results and still have those oh so lovely fat rolls we all love! I can't keep disappointing myself over and over again! I have sat down and come up with a list of the reasons why I am staring this journey, and every time I want to skip a workout or eat a cookie, I am going to read this list and remind myself why I started! Does this mean I am never going to eat a cookie again, hell to the no! I love cookies, but it's all about moderation! So, here's my list....drum roll please....

-My effin double chin
-No more Chub Rub
 -I want to grow old
 -Say bye bye to my thunder thighs
 -I want an amazing before and after pic
-I want to prove everyone that thinks I can't do it wrong
-I want to be able to shop anywhere I want for clothes
-I don't want to be the D.U.F.F (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) 
 -I want to run an entire 5k, maybe even a half marathon someday
-I want to be able to donate my Kidney to my mom some day if she needs it 

This list is going to be the key to my success! I want to succeed and become and inspiration for others! After my first entry on this blog, someone reached out to me, and told me the were proud of me to have the courage to put myself out there, and told me they admire me! Wait what, admire me?! The girl who has been over weight her whole life, and has never succeed in really losing weight past! It meant so much to me, and I hope that one day I will look back on this journey and be able to tell people that if I can do it, any one can do it! My fitness challenge group kicks off on Monday, and I am so exited to get started on my journey! I want to give out shout out to my cousin, who has motivated me to join the challenge group and gave me the kick in the right direction that I needed! Have you ever really thought about why you want to lose weight, I'm sure the only reason isn't because you are unhappy about the way you look. I use to think that was the only reason why I wanted to lose weight, but then when I really sat down and thought about it, I realized that I have started this journey because I want to become the best and healthiest version of myself that I can be, and if I happen to lose weight and look better along the way I will be one happy girl! I encourage you to make your own why list, and pull it out on those dark days we all know we have, those days where we want to pull on the fat pants, and sit with a bowl of ice cream in our lap. Here's to burning those stupid a** fat pants! 
Weight loss motivation board I made!

Crusin' for Losin' 


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mirror mirror on the wall.......I'm not so ugly after all!

I have come to realize that I am one of those...a mean girl! I am so completely hard on myself it's ridiculous! We are all guilty of it, I'm sure no matter what size and shape we are! That moment when someone gives you a compliment, and you just brush off, and think to yourself, are they crazy?! I don't look pretty in that pic, do you see that double chin, my hair is frizzy, my nose looks big, my eye looks smaller than the other.....and the list goes on and on. I once had a teacher who always said pictures don't lie, and you know what he is right! But we only see what we want to see in pictures of ourselves. I know that when people take pictures of me, I don't even want to see them because I will hate what I will look like. My friends know, that I will always use the front facing camera on my phone rather than ask someone to take a pic of us, because I want to see what I will look like in that picture. Wouldn't it be great if we could see what others see when they look at our pics? I would never tell a friend of mine they look bad in a picture or critique them like I do to myself. So why can't we start treating ourselves the way we treat our best friends?!?! I am making it a goal of mine to really stop and appreciate each and every compliment that is thrown my way! They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, well you know what, we're not all beautiful, we are freakin' gorgeous!  

Your Curvaceous Cutie <3

I could find 100 things wrong with this picture, but today I'm choosing to LOVE it! Take a pic of yourself today and be proud of who you are! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What is wrong with this world?!?!

It makes me very sad when I see people pointing out individuals that are struggling with their weight! I've seen it on TV, the internet, hell I've seen it on some of my "friend's" Facebook pages. They take pics of people, especially girls, they see when they are out who may have a dress on that is incredibly tight, showing oh no those fat rolls, and than post them so they and their friends can get a good laugh! Come on, I'm sure we all know someone that has done this! But, have you ever stopped to think how long it took her to get ready, or how many times she changed her clothes because she felt whatever she had on other people would think she looked fat! It's a sad world we live in! It's not always easy to not care what others think of you, especially when their assholes out there that will point out your every flaw to the world! My challenge to you for the day, next time you see one of these pics, don't laugh, tell your friend what a d bag they are for posting pics like that! Wear your rolls proud ladies and gents! Not everyone can be fabulous fatties like us!

Peace, Love, & flabbyness all <3

This is just the beginning....

Well here goes nothing....I'm completely new to this whole blogging thing, so I'm going to give it my best shot! I have decided to blog my weight loss journey. My weight is something that I have struggled with my entire life. It is not easy living in a world where so much emphasis is put on the way we look. Immediately if you are a "bigger" girl you must stuff your face and sit on your ass all day! While that is surely not the case.  Lately I have been looking at so many transformation pics that people post, and every time I think, I wish that were me or I wish I could do it. Well, why the hell can't I?! I CAN DO THIS! I'm sick and tired of standing in the mirror every morning hating what I look like. I'm sick of standing behind someone in every pic someone takes of me because I want to hide my body so no one will see what I "actually" look like! I know that I am my own worst critic and I only see the bad! But I want to be proud of who I am. Don't get me wrong, I am proud of who I am now, I mean I've accomplished a lot in my 23 years so far! I have graduated college with honors, hold four teaching certificates, and become very involved with charities. Hell, not to toot my own horn but I think I'm a pretty great person! But I want to better myself! This journey isn't about me changing what I look like for other people, it's about me becoming a healthier me! Nothing about this journey is going to be easy, but it is going to be totally worth it! Join me on this journey and we can do this together!