Thursday, July 31, 2014

July Foodie Penpal Reveal!

This month I came across a group called Foodie Penpals! I decided to join in and check it out! The idea behind the group is that you are paired with someone and you exchange a box of goodies with one another! I thought it sounded fun! I was so excited to fill my box, and couldn't wait to get my box in the mail! There is a $15 spending limit and you pay for shipping as well!

I was shocked when I got my box in the mail! It was full, and I mean full!!!! I instantly felt a little bad that I didn't put more items in the box I sent! What I was even more excited about was the fact that it was filled with items that I had never had before! A lot of the items came from Trader Joe's, which I had never heard of before!

I would say my favorite item in this box has been the cookie and cocoa swirl! Oh my gosh is it good! The next thing that caught my eye was the Chile spiced mangoes! I would have never thought to pair these flavors, but they really compliment each other well! This box was filled with so many yummy surprises! Since I have received it, I have brought a different item to work with me every and let my co-workers try some new stuff as well! One of there faves is the "this apple walks into a bar..." cereal bars! They have such a cute name and really are a tasty treat! One of my other faves is the almond bark. I love almond flavoring and this little treat has just the right amount!

Overall this was such a fun experience!I loved that I had never heard of these items before, and now they are some of my favorite things! I have already signed up to participate next month! I can't wait to see what next month brings!

If you are interested in joining, you can sign up here!

Hope you join us next month! You won't be disappointed!


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Life is just a Mirror.....

They say you are actually three people...the person you see yourself as, the person others see you as, and the person you really are.....this is a post I have thought about writing for awhile, but when I would start I just wouldn't I ask myself why?! I think deep down the reason is because when I look in the mirror, I don't like the person looking back at me. I see an overweight, self conscience, shy girl. I hold back and don't always do everything I want to because I am embarrassed of what I look like.

I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me I was beautiful, because maybe I wouldn't need a second job haha. I wish just once I could see what they see. No one goes out of their way to compliment you if they don't really mean it, so why is it so hard for us to accept compliments! It's really hard to believe what others say when you have such a negative self image. Don't get me wrong, there are things I love about myself, but one of the hardest parts of this journey is learning to be confident in my own skin. It's not easy. I have put some weight back on, which I know I will get off, but I don't feel comfortable.

What do you hope others see when they look at you?! Strive to be that person! I hope others see me as a driven, passionate, kind, and beautiful person. At least that's the person I strive to be. If I can put a smile on just one persons face everyday, then I say that's a successful day!

Lately, I have been a bundle of stress and an emotional wreck. Life has been crazy lately, especially in my career department, but I am so grateful for all of my family and friends who have been there for me these past few weeks!

I think part of this journey has really been finding the person I really am. I started all of this because I didn't like the person I had become. Lately, I have to remind myself of my goals, but we all need that little reminder right?!

I may not know the person I am yet, or the person you see me as, but I do know that each and every day I strive to be a better person than I was yesterday! I know that I am not going to let my weight, or my self image define who I am. Life is a journey, our experiences along the way, and the decisions we make, define who we are! I know that I am going to keep that in mind, and push harder every day to reach my goals, and become the best person I can be!