Sunday, January 12, 2014

BIG and EXCITING NEWS!!!!!!!!!

Hey all! I have big and exciting news for you today! As you all know, I won my first 60 days challenge, and I couldn't be more excited about that! Well Wednesday night, as I sat here and was trying to talk myself into getting off my butt and going to the gym, I received a message for one of the coaches from the challenge! Basically she was asking me if I have ever considered being a coach!!! I sat here as I read her message, and thought, me?! What are you crazy?!?! I haven't had a crazy transformation like so many of these amazing people had, she's asking me if I am interested in coaching when I am sitting here giving myself a pep talk to go work out!!! Well, I have to admit, I was curious! I had been asked in the past, and turned it down. I didn't feel I have what it took to coach. But, here again, I am being asked again by another coach from this amazing team. She told me, have at it, ask all the questions you have, you have what it takes, and you inspire others everyday. You're doing it already, let's make it official. So questions that came to my mind, do I have to recruit a certain amount of people to coach? This was important to me because I won't put pressure on people, when they are ready to make a life style change then I am here to help, but I will not pressure others into joining me. It was a decision I needed to make on my own when I joined my first challenge, just like it needs to be your decision when you want help achieving your goals! So the the simple answer was no, I don't need to recruit a certain amount of people! That made me very happy! Second question that came to my mind, do I have to push products on people, but that is something I will NOT do! The! I can recommend that your try workouts or things I am using, but I will never force you to buy anything! You all know me, I'm not like that!

So now for my very big and exciting news...............after many questions, time, and consideration.......I have accepted the offer and am a COACH for Team Commit! I couldn't be more excited! This allows me to help you guys all the more! I will be able to motivate and inspire you all the more! In one of my last posts, I told you all that I would text, or email you daily if you needed to motivation, well now I truly can! I can invite you all to be a part of challenges groups, just like the one I joined in Oct. I will be there every step of the way to keep you motivated and most importantly hold you accountable. When I joined my first challenge group, I need the accountability more than anything! Let me tell you, 3 months later, and I'm still going strong. These challenge groups, and coaches changed my life, and I am beyond exciting to join them, and be that inspiration for you!

I spend Saturday morning at a conference with these amazing coaches, and let me tell you......It was AWESOME! We had so much fun, and I learned so much! I couldn't be more excited! I know that I made the right decision, by crossing the threshold into the coaching world! If I can inspire and motivate only one person, then my job is done!

Thank you all for letting me share my good news with you all! From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for following me on this journey! It's been a crazy ride so far, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!

I can't begin to tell you how painful it is to share this picture. When I took this first picture I wanted to cry. I thought I will never share this with anyone ever! The second picture I took yesterday! While you may not see a huge difference, I see progress! I still hate the way I look, but I have taken the steps I need to work on myself. I have a long road ahead of me, but I will get there. If I can do this in 3 months, what can I do in a year? You don't have to start by running miles at a time, or lifting large amounts, you just have to start. As I write this I am hesitant to hit the publish button, but if this pic inspires you, even a tiny bit, then I am happy I shared it with you!

PS Remember me telling you, the pants I couldn't buy because I couldn't get them on?! Well the pink pair is one of them!


Coach Jess

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome! YOU are inspiring!
    and I can totally see progress ; you are changing your life and that's awesome!
