Monday, February 3, 2014

Reflecting on January's Goals!

Wow has January been a crazy month for me or what!? Well, I have to say, I did pretty well this month! There has certainly been ups and downs along the way! At the beginning of this month I jumped on the scale that I avoid like the plague, and I had gained weight! I didn't know whether to sit and cry or scream. To be honest I think I may have done a little of both! I have been giving it my all, and I gained weight, I was devastated!!! One of the first things I did was send my coach a message to share my frustration. Within in minutes she was there to lend a helping hand. Seriously, I don't how she deals with me sometimes! I am always sending random messages to her expressing how I feel! She is seriously the best!  I decided to start a food journal. I also joined a clean eating challenge group! Now I can say that I am down 10 pounds this month! I jumped on the scale this morning and broke that one number that it devastated me to see!!! I kid you not, the tears ran down my face as I stood there taking it in! Now I know you might think 10 pounds oh ok, but what you don't understand is that feeling behind that number you see sitting at your feet. I can't tell you the last time I saw the number I saw today and it made me feel so damn proud of myself!!!! I am doing this, and kicking ass!!!

One of the toughest parts of this month was PMS! I am getting a little personal now, but hey I always share the good, the bad, and the ugly right?! So why stop now?! I am on  Seasonale, so I only get my period every 3 months! It's pretty great! But this was the month, and boy oh boy did I struggle! It's like little gremlins took over my body, and every time I would look in the mirror they would whisper in my ear how horrible I looked! I didn't know whether I wanted to cry or sit down with a bag of chips and a jar of chocolate frosting! I actually spent a good couple of minutes thinking about how delicious it would be to dip those chips in the frosting! I however, did NOT go through with this amazing idea! There were lots of tears shed, and I did give into my craving of pizza. But you know what, you can't totally cut yourself off! You need to cheat every now and then! It keeps you on track. I did finally make it through last week, and came out losing weight at that!

I killed my not having soda goal. I did not have any soda  in the month of January and it felt fabulous! I don't feel bloated or full at all! I could have improved my water intake, but like I always say, that is a work in progress for me! I have consistanly been running 5 miles a day and averaging about 45mins in total! Hey, I'll take it! This coming from a girl that always came close to failing gym because I couldn't run that mile in the "recommended" amount of time! Oh how I would like to go back and ask some of those gym teachers to go for a run with me now! I finished up my 81K this month, and ran an Autism 5K! I didn't complete a squat challenge. I DID FOUCS on T25 finally!

This has been such an amazing month for me! On January 8th I stepped over into the coaching world! It was a very big decision, but I know that I made the right one! I couldn't be happier. I never in a million years thought that I could inspire others and help them reach their goals! This brings so much joy to my life! Many of you have reached out to me and expressed such kind words of encouragement and support, and even thanked me for inspiring them! Your words mean more to me than you will ever know!!! From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for being apart of this!

I kicked serious bootay this month! Now it's your turn!!! Let's do this together!!!!!!

"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you"


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