Thursday, February 6, 2014

Making Progess with My Clean Eating Group....Want to join us???

Hey Y'all! So I have to take a minute and brag about how FABULOUS my clean eating group challenge group did!!! 8 of us lost a total of 48 pounds in 2 weeks!!!!!!!! Holy smokes right?! That's like a small child!!! I am so excited and proud of every member of this group! It was an eye opening experience for me as well. It has taught me just important a healthy diet is in achieving my goals! I myself lost 6.8 pounds during these two weeks! I could not be more excited with my results! I took this challenge a step further and tried to cook a clean meal for my family each night. They did not partake in this challenge, but they did enjoy some yummy meals! Each night, I took pictures and posted them to my facebook page, and posted the recipes right here on the blog!

If any of you are like me, you have some reservations about eating clean! That's totally ok! I struggle a great deal with my eating habits. One of the reasons is that I am one of the pickiest eaters you will ever meet! I have a texture issue when it comes to food. I know I know, I'm a little crazy! I can't even chew gum because the texture of that makes me throw up. Eating fruit is difficult for me as well! I share these things with you, not to prove how strange I am, but maybe just one of you struggles with some of the same things that I do!
 So about 3 weeks ago, I jumped on the scale and was devastated to find that I had gained weight. That very same day, a fellow coach of mine had posted that she was hosting a clean eating group! I thought about it for a little bit and knew I had to try it! Well low and behold it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be! I began eating healthy, and honestly felt amazing! To my surprise the weight began coming off!

During this challenge I have found a new love for cooking! Even though my family did not partake in this challenge, they are eating at least one healthy meal a day! What more could I ask for! Honestly I thought the food would be gross and I wouldn't like anything. Well I stepped out of my comfort zone and was pleasantly surprised to learn that I have found things that I really enjoy!!! 
I referred to the Clean Eating Magazine's Site very frequently! I have been a recipe researching fool!!! They also have meal plans for you to use! They plan breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks for you! They also have shopping lists that you can print out and take with you! I mean how much easier could it be! If you live close to me, I will honestly cook a clean meal for your family just prove how delicious it can be!

Starting Feb. 17th I along with my fellow coaches will be holding another clean eating challenge! It last 2 weeks, and everyday we post what we ate in a closed group on Facebook. This means that only the members of the group can see what you are posting. It is a fantastic way to stay motivated and gives you many great ideas by seeing what every one else is eating! I want to plan out meals for those two weeks for my family and post them on here so that you can also see what we will be eating! This will be a challenge for me because I am not the most organized person, but I will try my best!

So who's up for a two week challenge??? Send me an email,!!!! Together, we will crush this challenge!!! 

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