Wednesday, March 19, 2014

It's Getting Hot Hot Hot!!!!!

I apologize that it has taken me so long to share my experience of hot yoga with you. I certainly have mixed emotions about it. I honestly don't know if I walked away loving or hating it. My cousin and I decided to try a class on a Friday night at the Silk Mill. When we first walked in, it seemed like everyone knew what they were doing. Everyone was barefoot, and doing a lot of stretching! They were not the friendliest either. So, we just tried to blend in. But that didn't last too was obvious we were new to the scene. I quickly realized just how inflexible I am!!! It was tough, and my balance was terrible. The class lasted about an hour and a half. There were space heaters going, but it was no where near 98 degrees like I thought it would be. Each pose was very different from the next and we had no idea what the instructor was saying half of the time. She was throwing these terms around like nothing. My cousin and I kept looking at each other like what is going on?!?! When it came time for the breathing exercises, I had all I could do not to laugh. Here everyone is taking it very seriously and I was ready to bust. They were humming, and huffing and puffing. I literally could not look at my cousin for this portion or I would have lost it. But I will say that at the end of class, I felt very relaxed and could have easily fallen asleep. It is definitely a class I would like to try again before I make up my mind about it. It was a very nice facility, and they provided both the mat and yoga block. If you give this a try, let me know your thoughts!

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