Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January Progress Pic!

Well, it's that time again.....time to show a "progress" pic! It's harder than you would think to post these pics! I look at this picture from yesterday, and all I see is big, disgusting arms. (Usually I work out in long sleeves, but last night I didn't, mostly because I couldn't find a shirt to match my pants! Oh come on, we all have those days right?!)  Then I look at the pic from October and I do see some progress when I compare them! It's the motivation I need to keep pushing forward. The pants I wore to the gym last night, I could have never worn them in October! They didn't fit! Trust me I tried! They would have been so tight, with a giant role hanging over, and I wouldn't have been able to breathe comfortably. I had tried them on in the past because I love all the fun workout pants this store has, but could never buy them! Well....guess what?! I fit into them now!!! This may not be the most amazing progress pic, but it's real! It's reminder that progress takes time and patience! If it was easy, we would all walk around in a size 6! The reality of it is, you have to put the time into it, if you really want it!

 Lately, a lot of people have reached out to me and asked how I stay motivated, well here it is! Take pics! I'm not saying you have to post them online like I do, but take them for your own eyes, even take some in your bra and panties, whatever it takes! Next month take another, compare them! Do you like what you see? Do you see progress? Now push harder this month! It's that simple, if you want to change, you have to work for it! Lately, Friday and Saturday night, I'm not out with friends like I was in the past, I'm working hard in the gym because they are open later on these days, and it gives me more time to focus on ME! Secondly, I joined a facebook f group that keeps me motivated! Everyday you have to log your workouts! Believe me the last thing you want to tell your group is that you didn't workout after you have gotten everyone's notifications all day long! I literally feel like a failure when I don't post one. You have to do what works for you, and what is going to keep you motivated! I am always here to keep you in check! If it's going to take me emailing or texting you everyday to check in or shoot you a reminder, I WILL! We are in this together, and I will do everything I can to help you stay motivated, because you are all my reason to stay motivated each and every day!

I'm serious, if you need me to check in with you to keep you motivated, check out my contact info and shoot me an email! I am more than happy to help you reach your goals! We can help keep each other motivated! Thank you to all of my fabulous followers! Truly from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for following me on this journey! We got this! 

"Success doesn't happen over night, keep your eye on the prize and don't look back" 


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