Monday, October 28, 2013

Run Jess....Run

Good Morning all my beautiful blog buddies! I want to share with you yet another way I am keeping myself motivated. I have been pushing myself to increase my workouts each day. I have decided to keep track of each and every workout I do, so that I can reflect on my accomplishments! It allows me to be proud of what my body has done each and every week. It is hard to push yourself further and further each day. Trust me, some days are harder than others. Tuesday I felt great during my whole workout and even ran a mile more than I was planning, but Wednesday boy oh boy my body was bitching through the entire thing! You know that voice in your head that constantly reminds you how sore you are, keeps telling you to stop, and that you can do better tomorow?!?! Well that voice is getting on my nerves, and I try and give it everything I have to prove it wrong, and so far I have! This past week, I have ran 7 miles, and  biked 34 miles! Now I  know that some people can easily complete this in one day, but for this girl right here that's a huge accomplishment. I am proud of all of my hard work. I love leaving the gym with my clothes soaked in my sweat. This is my fat crying! Today, I plan to push myself a little further than I went last time. I know that I can go to bed at night knowing I gave it my all, and tomorrow I'm going to do it again. In the past when I began to feel like I couldn't keep going, I would stop. Not this time around! I push myself harder and faster to prove what my body can really do! So today I challenge you to run a little longer, or peddle another mile, the feeling of accomplishment afterwards will be the best possible reward you could ask for!

A calendar I created to keep track of my goals 
and my daily workouts! 

Keep on, Keepin' on! 


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