Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's Magically Delicious....or Not!

Have you ever really stopped and thought about everything you put in your mouth, and yes I'm talking about that handful of M&Ms you popped in there right after lunch! I like most did not pay attention to what I would eat or snack on during the say. As long it tasted good, and fulfilled my need, I was a happy girl. However, when I started my fitness challenge, I decided that I needed to address my eating habits as well. So what did I do?!?! I went to the store and bought lettuce, carrots, celery, and lean meats. But it's not as simple as that! It's a matter of being aware of EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth each and every day! (That includes drinks as well) So for the past week I  have been aware of what I'm eating and making healthier choices than I would've in the past. This week I have decided to write down absolutely everything that I eat. Let me tell you, how easy it is to forget that snack you had when you walked in the door from work, or the gym. Now that I'm keeping track and writing everything down, I am MUCH more aware and hopefully it make a difference in my fitness results! Let's be honest, does a carrot taste as good as chocolate, hell no, but I don't need to worry as much about gaining weight from carrots as I do chocolate. I challenge you to write down everything you eat, even if it's just for a day you might be surprised!

 A food chart I have created to help
keep track of everything I eat each day!

Here's to eating like rabbits....hop....hop ;)


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