Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Eating habits

Well we have all heard it, small meals through out the day. Well if you were like me, you are thinking......yea ok, I don't have time for that. That was honestly my attitude for a long time. So I would eat a big breakfast, a big lunch, and a big dinner. I thought well if I eat enough during those times, I will not be hungry and snack thorough out the day! Well Wrong!!! I still snacked. So what's wrong with this picture?! I was eating way to much and feeling bloated and uncomfortable after every meal! So, something has to give!

I thought there has to be something to this eating a small meals throughout the day! So my typical day goes like this.....
Breakfast- Shakeology, some days I throw some PB2 in so change up the flavor and add some protein.
Snack- around 9:45is I have 1 piece of wheat bread with Peanut Butter
Lunch- I switch this up, but most days, it's either turkey meatballs, or chicken cutlet with carrots or green beans
Snack- around 3:30 I will have a Think Thin protein bar. (I will admit they are not my fave, but once you get past the fact they it will not taste the same a chocolate we are use to it, it's pretty good) It definitely is filling
Dinner-7:00 This is different everyday. I try and cook a different clean meal for my family every night. 
If I am feeling hungry a little later, I have been snacking on some popcorn. Not dripping in butter and salt!
I also drink Green Tea all day long.

I will admit the weekends are a struggle for me. It's easy during the week because we are on set schedules. The weekends I tend to wake up later, and that throws everything off. I also tend to go out to eat at some point, so I will have a cheat meal here and there.

My advice to you is to prep your meals ahead of time. I usually cook meatballs and chicken on Sunday nights, that way in the mornings I throw my lunch in a container and I am ready to go out the door! Also at dinner, start using a salad plate, you will be less likely to over eat when you use a smaller plate. I have cut soda and juice out of my diet. It' tough....I love juice, but it's full of sugars that I don't need! Pizza is a huge love of mine, so if I do indulge I will have one piece and then some salad. It's all about the moderation.

If you start by taking baby steps, it's gets easier! Trust me! It's a learning experience! I am in no way an expert, but this is what has been working for me!


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