Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's Just the Beginning....

As my first 60 day challenge comes to an end, I realized I've learned a lot about myself! I've struggled  a lot with my motivation along the way, but NEVER gave up. This group  kept me completely accountable, and that I loved!!! I've learned this journey is about diet as much as it is about fitness. I honestly didn't change my diet as much as I could have these last 60 days. Honestly for the past two weeks, I've been eating whatever the heck I wanted. I'm not proud to admit that, but it's the truth. I've been asking myself how much better could my results have been if I changed my habits. Let's face it, Christmas is right around the corner and if your house is like mine, it's filled with all kinds of goodies! I know, it's hard to say NO! Trust me....oh how I know! But you don't have  to cut everything out totally. You can reward yourself for your hard work and dedication.

As I finish this challenge, I'm left with mixed emotions. I'm proud that I have achieved some results, but wish I would have reached my goal of losing 20lbs. But believe me, I never thought I would lose15 inches in 60 days! That blows my mind! That's longer than a ruler!!! Today, as my new challenge begins, I'm more determined than ever to have better results. It's going to be hard, especially with all of the holiday parties,. filled with yummy treats, but I need to keep my goals in check!!! I have to remind myself, how far I've come, and how far I still have to go! I know that I can do that, and I will!!!!

In 60 days, I've lost 4.2 pounds, and 15 inches!!! I'm very excited about this, but I do wish I lost more weight. That's ok, I will push harder this next challenge and do better!!! Some progress, is certainly better than no progress!!!!!

So, how close are you to reaching your goals? What are you going to do to get there? It's almost a new year, and that means it's time to stop making excuses and work on YOU! Together we can do this!!!

"Go confidently in the direction of your goals" 


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