Monday, November 25, 2013

I am an Elf for Health!

Today is the first day of my elf4health challenges! I've already heard from my elf buddy, and I have to tell you, I'm so excited about this challenge! This challenge involves daily tasks to improve both your health and wellness! You are paired with another "elf" and you are there to help and encourage each other with holiday health goals and daily challenges. This week's challenges include meatless Monday, uncluttering inboxes/ mail boxes, trying a new workout, reaching out to someone you are thankful for, tracking water in take, treating yourself to something you've been wanting, and a BURPEE challenge! It's going to be a fabulous week!!! If you still want to join in on the fun, you can sing up HERE!!! Watch while I document my challenges along the way, #elf4health. Even though you may have not singed up for the challenges, I'm here to be your elf!! Join me while I improve my health and wellness over the next 4 weeks! Like a challenge we are doing?!?! Try in and tag me #thebulkybitch on facebook or instagram, and let me know how it goes!!!
"Live, Laugh, Love" 


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